Why did I set up Early Education?

Why did I set up Early Education?

I founded Early Education because I am one of the mothers who love children and am passionate about giving them the best start in their lives. With the strength of my motherhood adventure, I gained a lot of experience until I founded the Early Education, to use human resources effectively and to bring different generations together on common ground by supporting them with training. Thanks to my work experience and various vocational training, I learned that the experiences we had at a very young age deeply affected our whole lives. Based on scientific evidence, I realized that the behavior of an oppressive manager or a passive employee is laid in childhood.

Then one day, I became a mother. As soon as I held my child in my arms, I was born again. I realized how true the saying "When a baby is born, a mother is also born" is. I dedicate myself to relearning and developing myself quickly in order to take on the brand new responsibilities that this new identity imposes on me in the best way possible. I have experienced many difficulties that working parents experience regarding child education and care, and I tried to overcome these problems with the support of my husband. The negative experiences I had while seeking support in education and care for my own child encouraged me, as a mother, to seek out solutions for all parents and their children, to take a new path. While searching for solutions, I turned to scientific research and better grasped the importance of early childhood education.

I realized that early childhood education (ECE) is a specialization subject, that it is being handled with increasing importance around the world, especially in developed countries, and that there are many universities in our country that offer education in the field of "preschool teaching". It was very upsetting for me to learn that many of the teachers who received this training had employment problems. “How could such a valuable resource for children sit idle?” I started to ask myself. I said it's time to lead a project that could pioneer bringing this magnificent resource to more children and contribute to the employment of a community of teachers, mostly women, and raise awareness about early childhood education. It is with this motivation that I established Early Education.

Early childhood education is the key to a bright future. Today, we have become a small but qualified team in Primary Education, acting with the idea that every child is special and deserves a personalized early childhood education. We have established a system in which only pre-school teachers are assigned as “instructors” and offer “early childhood education/care” to young children aged 0-6, in the child's home environment. We desire to fulfill our mission in the best way and to continuously improve ourselves in accordance with our vision. We believe that very soon, with the participation of our educators and parents, we will become a large family and a very useful community that sheds light on the lives of more and more children in the field of "early childhood education".


What our Happy Parents Say

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Happy Mother

Happy Mother


Don’t you think that as a father we should invest in his primary education? We look forward to posting your nice comments. Come on, fill out the form today. Let’s meet : )

Smilling Father

Smilling Father

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