Early childhood describes the period between the birth of a child and the age of six. Early childhood education refers to the education of children between infancy and primary school age. These are some of the most important years of a child’s life. This is when they first learn how to interact with others, begin to form emotional connections, develop the fastest brain development, develop basic cognitive functions and emotional intelligence that will continue to nurture them throughout their lives and explore their interests. Preschool teachers, who are next to children in such an important period, are, in a way, the building blocks of learning. They lay the foundation for the skills a child will need for success and happiness for the rest of their life, starting with school.

There are many important influences on a child’s early learning journey. Parents, caregivers, family members, friends, peers, and teachers… Research shows that after parents, early childhood educators, namely preschool teachers, are the second most influential factor in a child’s learning outcomes and overall future well-being. Their effects go far beyond a child’s ability to read and write. The period in which important building blocks for children’s emotional, social and cognitive skills are placed in the first five or six years of their lives. Therefore, the important role of teachers during this time cannot and should not be overlooked.

The important role of early childhood education is so fundamental to the future of a child and of the society in which he lives, that is why the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has a significant focus on early literacy and learning. According to UNESCO, “Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) aims to develop a child’s emotional, social, physical and cognitive needs, creating a strong foundation for well-being and learning throughout their lives. Through ECCE, it is possible to raise capable, engaged, and responsible citizens in society.” “Early childhood education” in developed countries It promises one of the shining careers of the 21st century…

“Early childhood education” in developed countries

It promises one of the shining careers of the 21st century…

In developed countries, the importance of early childhood education and social awareness about this field is increasing, so the demand for early childhood educators such as pre-school teachers is increasing day by day. Early childhood educators in these countries know they are embarking on a brilliant career. 21. A future awaits the children of the 21st century, namely the Digital Age or the Robot Age, in which the world of work and the education system will completely change. Futurist Tony Ryan, in his book “The Next Generation Child,” says, “It is difficult to predict what the world will be like in twenty years. But trends can give us a plausible picture of what business life will be like in the future. For example, analyses of American workers in the early years of the 21st century show that employment growth will be highest in what is called interactive work. Jobs where people serve people directly fall into this category. We can give examples of jobs such as teaching and being a doctor.” Developed societies emphasize the need to redesign education and the great importance of early childhood education by presenting scientific evidence and taking creative steps in this direction that can set an example for our country. New Zealand, Finland, Denmark lead the way among these countries.

How does a preschool teacher make a difference?

Maria Montessori (1870-1952), the creator of the “Montessori Method”, received the title of the first female doctor in Italy and completed her medical school in 1896. As an education worker, he gave conferences, training, wrote books, opened new schools and teacher training centers in many countries of the world, and continued his education by observing children. Today, the method he put forward as a result of his efforts is applied in many developed countries of the world.

Montessori says, “The child is the hope and guarantee of humanity.”, “The main purpose of pre-school education should be to stimulate the child’s natural passion for learning.”

If you are on your way to becoming a preschool teacher, you can be sure that you are about to take on a very important task and are on your way to a career where you will have a beneficial impact on children’s lives. Preschool teachers are among the most important figures in a child’s life and, as Montessori stated, they are the main people who are equipped to provide that intelligent help that the child needs and instill a passion for learning. They have the power to make a real difference in the future of every child they meet.

Regardless of their role, adults who spend time with young children are important. Preschool teachers demonstrate multiple skills in serving children and their families. They help promote skill development in 0-6-year-olds primarily by:

Inspire children to explore their interests, participate in learning experiences and ask questions

Encouraging children to develop confidence, resilience, self-confidence, and self-esteem

Developing cognitively stimulating activities that nurture children’s curiosity, desire to learn, and imagine

To promote good communication and cooperation between children and adults

Creating a variety of hands-on curricula that help develop children’s fine motor skills

Promoting independence in children through core problem-solving activities

Developing cooperation and social skills among children through group activities

Children are strong, unique, and resilient individuals with complex thinking skills and their own perspectives. And great teachers know this fact and the scientific evidence behind it… Preschool teachers know how to inspire children and spark their curiosity about the world around them. They approach children with unconditional love and see them as “bright individuals preparing for the future”. By nurturing every aspect of a child correctly, they help build a strong foundation for “the emotional, mental and physical skills that are the building blocks of life”.

Learning through play is a practice used by preschool teachers to naturally involve children in learning opportunities. In its simplest form, learning through play encourages children to build their own knowledge, develop self-confidence, and embrace curiosity. Children naturally develop practical life, social and motor skills as they explore, experiment and problem solve along the way, under the guidance of their preschool teacher.

The warmth and support of a preschool teacher also influence the development of important abilities in children, including greater social competence, fewer behavioral problems, and improved thinking and reasoning skills at school age.

Children learn every second of their lives. From using forks and building sandcastles to reading and socializing, quality early childhood education provided by preschool teachers can make a big difference in a child’s entire life.

However, professionals providing services in the fields of early childhood education/development/care, such as preschool teachers, are not only important in children’s lives. They are also key figures in the lives of families. Thanks to them, parents can better balance work and family responsibilities. On the way to work, they can easily leave their children – at school or at home – with these professionals in a safe and nurturing environment. Thus, parents can work full time without leaving their jobs, increasing family income and opportunities for their children.

Early Education: If you say you are a preschool teacher, you can make a difference in a child’s life by joining the Early Education family!

At Early Education we want children to reach their true potential and have a great future. To support this, we work with native Turkish-speaking experts, teachers, assistant teachers, and baby nurses who are experts in newborn care, who have university or high school diplomas in the fields of “preschool child education/development/care” as trainers.

If you are a preschool teacher, you can join the Primary Education family by filling out the application form on our website. Thanks to the innovative cooperation model we have established, we would like to enable our preschool teachers to serve as “trainers” in the home environment and thus increase the benefit they can contribute to children and society.

Parents and trainers who want to join the Pre-Education family or want to get detailed information about our services can reach us by filling out the application forms on our website.

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