3-6 Years Child Education/Care

3-6 Years Child Education/Care

Did you know that?
Children complete 80% of their brain development by the age of 3. A child between the ages of 3 and 6 has the potential to learn very quickly; can acquire many mental and emotional skills at this age. The foundations of a child’s adult life are laid in those early years before school… Experiences in early childhood affect all life…

3-6 Years Child Education/Care

This three-year preschool period of your child is a very active and critical period. Children are at this stage, where they have the capacity to develop rapidly; they can learn “core values and basic skills” by reaching their full potential. For example, in this age range, they can learn to talk, socialize, think creatively, solve problems, independence, act with self-confidence, protect nature, be animal lovers, help, listen, be humane, share, be sportsman and even take responsibility at home. Of course, we can’t expect children in this age group to get close to perfection in all these skills. For children who have not yet sufficiently explored themselves, their feelings and life, it takes a long time to acquire these skills. The important thing is that you don’t have to It is not that they master this period at a young age that they are very inexperienced yet – but that they can make the most of this period, in which their personalities develop and learn rapidly, with the right interactions and the right experiences.

The first years in a child’s life form the basis of cognitive abilities in adolescence and adulthood.

One of the most important experiences in shaping the architecture of the developing brain is the interaction between children and the important adults in their lives. How efficient this interaction is is closely related to the healthy development of the brain. Emotional and physical health, social skills and cognitive-linguistic capacities that arise at an early age; they are important prerequisites for the success of children in later life – at school, at work and in society.

“My child must be home-schooled before school… He should keep learning by playing, playing sports, having fun when I’m not. It should be prepared in the best way for school… ” it is best to cooperate with our instructors (especially preschool teachers, teacher assistants and child development specialists) who prefer to specialize in the 3-6 age range. As a First Education; In that energetic, moving journey to school, we can bring you together with our instructors who are experts in 3-6 year old education and care who will approach your child with compassion and care. In this age range, you will be told; we can support with a team of expert instructors, each of whom has received different trainings. Based on your instructor and your child’s unique personality; We can enable you to establish an efficient collaboration involving education and care programs that differentiate in every stage – 3-4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years.

Our 3-6 year old children’s instructors can offer you different suggestions and programs “within the framework of their own experiences and qualifications”. However, each of them shares the same core values that unite us under the roof of First Education: love of children, love of play, love of nature, love of learning, love of science, creativity, empathy, honesty, patience, tolerance and professional dedication… Although the scope and tenure of an instructor responsible for 3-6 years of child education and care is shaped according to the need, it is basically as follows.

What Does a “3-6 Year Old Child Trainer” Do?

Our 3-6 year old children’s instructors are responsible for both the education and care of the children. This task is a task that can be it is a task in which the child’s preschool education is focused, aimed at preparing the child for school in the best way and naturally includes the care of the child.

Being a caring guide, a good listener and a reliable instructor for the child

At every stage of the three pre-school years; closely monitor the health, development and education of the child and focus on the superior benefit of the child

To create a “age-appropriate preschool education plan” and “age-appropriate routine” for the child in cooperation with parents (This routine includes: “Workshop Time”, “Reading a Story”, “Singing”, “Cycling Tour”, “Play”, “Music and movement”, “Trekking”, “Social activity”, “Painting” – a wide range of activity sessions that extend throughout the week, supporting the physical and mental development of the child , especially with planning suitable for the preschool period)

Getting the child used to the routine set out with the parents

Playing with the child a lot, having fun and learning together

Encouraging the child to learn, bringing them together with books and nature

Preparing healthy snacks and meals for the child

Taking on general childcare (such as feeding, providing hygiene and self-care training, putting them to sleep or preparing them for sleep, organizing the playground, monitoring health…)

To support parents in all aspects of child education and care – to educate them on these issues when the time is right – to inform parents about the development and general condition of the child in a transparent manner on a regular basis

When doing your job, you always want the child’s well-being; care about honesty and scientific evidence

*If a child attending nursery/kindergarten becomes an instructor, the instructor’s job description may include “supporting assignments and projects”.

What Does a “3-6 Year Old Child Trainer” Do?

Ideally, a 3-6 year old child trainer does not take responsibility for any household work related to non-child-related matters — general cleaning of the house, ironing, dishes, gardening, food, etc. The focus is on that sweet boy, his dreams and the important issues in that child’s routine, who discover both himself and the world by developing moment by moment and learning new things, approaching the school term step by step.

How Long Does a “3-6 Year Old Child Trainer” Work?

The cooperation period is likely to continue differently during the school term, exceeding the 3-6 years of age. It’s the first time I’ it depends on the quality and expectations of the instructor and the cohesion between the needs of the child in the new period and the expectations of the parents. If a family believes that a long-term collaboration with the child trainer will be fruitful and necessary for the benefit of the child, they can offer to extend the cooperation with the instructor and rearrange the terms of the agreement if they wish. For example, with the child starting school, parents may be able to use the same as the child to start school. instructors can offer to collaborate in a more limited time frame. They can ask their instructors to support the child’s schooling and homework adjustment process.

Take the First Step to Find the Trainer That Suits You!

When it comes to the need for instructors; it is very natural for the instructor to make different choices in terms of qualifications, working style – day or boarding, working hours – part-time or full-time. Each collaboration established in The First Education has its own unique details. If you are looking for an instructor who specializes in preschool child education/care; You can share with us in detail how you are looking for an instructor by filling out the form below. This will take that first step towards finding the instructor who will add value to your child’s early years.

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